Marina Bay Sands News - Page 3

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Two gamblers lose combined $115 million in Singapore

Two gamblers lost a combined $115 million during baccarat sessions at the island nation's two casinos, including the Marina Bay Sands.

Singapore: Unhappy dealers may quit

Reports that unhappy dealers at Marina Bay Sands may quit.

Singapore: Man jailed for repeated casino theft

Repeat pickpocket at Marina Bay Sands given 2 month jail sentence.

Singapore: Son puts restriction order on father

Son requests casino restriction order in Singapore against dad who can't stop gambling.

Singapore: Casino resorts accused of targeting locals

Casinos in Singapore accused in parliament of violating casino restrictions by targeting locals.

Singapore: 3 fined for gaming chip theft

Gambling chip thefts at Marina Bay Sands results in three arrests and fines.

PM tells Singaporeans to leave gambling to foreigners

Singapore PM appears to caution Singaporeans to leave gambling to foreigners.

Pop star spends S$2 mil in casino in two days

Taiwanese pop star has expensive fun at Marina Bay Sands.

Two convicted of Singapore casino theft

Two convicted of theft last week at Singapore casinos results in jail and hefty fine.

Singapore: Community feels financial benefit of new casinos

Singapore community projects already benefiting from new casino fees.

Punters will get fair gaming in Singapore casinos

Both new Singapore resorts meet CRA standards providing machines that are fair, secure and reliable.

Hopes high for 150,000 daily visitors at Marina Bay Sands

More stores open as Marina Bay Sands resort continues to buzz.

Singapore resort ready for grand opening

The $5.7 billion Mariana Bay Sands in Singapore will celebrate its grand opening on Wednesday.

Casino levy exemptions causing questions at Marina Bay Sands

15 diners, who had to exit Marina Bay Sands via casino refuse to pay casino entry levy, suggests control act needs tweaking.

Fine for Singapore casino chip thief

Man fined S$2,000 for stealing chips at Marina Bay Sands.

Man arrested over Marina Bay Sands power cut

Arrest made over last week's power cut at Marina Bay Sands.

Singapore blackouts affect casino

Marina Bay Sands hit by power cut.

Rival's results bode well for Marina Bay Sands

Analysts believe the results from a recently opened casino project on Singapore’s Sentosa Island gives a glimpse into how Las Vegas Sands' Marina Bay Sands is performing.

First theft at Marina Bay Sands

Thief caught nabbing patron's bag containing items valued at S$1400.

36,000 visitors in 24 hours

36,000 visit Marina Bay Sands in first 24 hours.

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